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Showing posts from 2017

Basic Chia Pudding - Foodie Fridays

Here's my much requested Chia pudding recipe!! Tastes just like tapioca pudding but it's so good for you!! I make this a few times a month in a big batch as a quick meal or snack food for the kids and I. Recipe: 1 can unsweetened coconut milk 6 tbsp Chia seeds 2 tbsp sweetener of choice (I use stevia or coconut sugar) 1 Tbsp of Vanilla Mix all ingredients together in jar. If after an hour mixture is ridiculously thick add some coconut milk just a splash at a time to thin out a bit. I go back every so often to reshake and check consistency. I like it semi thik (not complete jell but not watery) is edible after a few hours I sometimes can only wait that long but is best overnight. This is a basic recipe that can be adapted which is how I prefer it so we can add whatever we like, fruit, jelly, nut butter, granola, etc.  Chia Info: 1. Chia Seeds Deliver a Massive Amount of Nutrients With Very Few Calories A 1 oz serving has  Fiber: 11 grams.Protein: 4 grams.Fat: 9 gra